Sass variables
the framework has a file that contains the variables that are used to generate the styles, this file is located in the path drocket/setting.scss
and can be modified to customize the styles of the components. In addition to this general configuration, each component has its own variables.
Global setting
Here are the available size options: x-small small large x-large
@use "drocket/setting.scss" with ($border-radius-root: 4px !default,
$root-font-size: 1rem !default,
$space-base: 12px !default,
$grid-cols: 24 !default,
$root-font-family: "Roboto" sans-serif !default,
// Some components use icons with close functionality, this are the default sizes of the icons
$icon-close-font-size: 24px !default,
//This is useful to include the different font icons libraries the default is material design icons
$icon-class: "mdi" !default,
$icon-prefix: "mdi-" !default,
// This are the default space sizes of the framework they are used to generate the helper classes
$space-amount: 24 !default,
$space-step: 4px !default,
// This are the default colors of the framework they are used to generate the helper classes and every
// component can use this colors as a property, you can override this colors in the variables.scss file
$colors: ("primary": #00af67,
"blue": #00d3ee,
"secondary": #4c5f68,
"warning": #ffa21a,
"purple": #AF2CC5,
"success": #5cb860,
"input": #4f636b,
"disabled": rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.38),
"error": #f55a4e,
"white": white,
"black": black) !default,
// This are the default contrast colors of the framework they are used to set the color of the text depending on the background color
$contrast-colors: ("white": black) !default,
// This are the default breakpoints they are used to generate the media queries of the framework
$breakpoint: ("xs": 600px,
"sm": 960px,
"md": 1264px,
"lg": 1904px,
) !default,