
You can select options from a list of multiple formats with this component

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The e-select With Icon component pairs a standard text input with a functional addon element, can be positioned on either the left or right side of the input field.


There are different ways to use chips in component.


you can transform the behavior of the select using the appropriate properties and make it behave like an autocomplete.


You can combine the different props with the component slots to display more dynamic content


selects use a rule-based validation system that returns true or a text string.

API Reference


Explore the available props for the form component

item-textproperty of the list of elements that contains the text to displaybooleanfalse
item-valueproperty of the list of elements which will be taken as a valuebooleanfalse
retain-colorallows the input to maintain the color regardless of the state it is inbooleanfalse
autocompleteenables the ability to use the component as an autocompletebooleanfalse
chipencapsulates the selection within the e-chip componentbooleanfalse
chip-closablesets the closable property of the chip within the selection to true in case the chip property is true booleanfalse
v-model:searchv-model of the input shown in case the component is used as autocompletestring | number
item-colnumber of columns that the elements of the drop-down list will occupystring | number1
return-objectreturns the object instead of the value specified with item-value.booleanfalse
loadingShow a linear progress bar at the bottom of the component and change the status to read-onlybooleanfalse
disabledModify the style and change the input state to disabledbooleanfalse
readonlychange the input state to disabledbooleanfalse
clearablesets whether the component is cleanable or not booleanfalse
label-inlineset the css rule white-space: nowrap; to the labelbooleanfalse
detaildisplays an informational message below the componentstring
outlinedapplies an outlined stylebooleanfalse
labellabel associated with the input fieldstring | number
model-valueThe v-model value of the component. string number null Record<string, any> Array<itemType>
placeholderinput placeholderstring
suffixDisplays suffix text.string
prefixDisplays prefix text.string
input-alignapply text-align css rule to the input fieldstring
colorApplies specified color to the component - supports only utility colors (for example primary or secondary) stringundefined
detail-errorsshows an error message below the component and changes the stateArray<string>[]
label-min-widthThis sets a minimum width in px for the labelstring
colsSets the default number of columns the component extends. Available options are: {1...24}. string | number
smChanges the number of columns on small and greater breakpoints.string | number
mdChanges the number of columns on medium and greater breakpoints.string | number
lgChanges the number of columns on large and greater breakpoints.string | number
icon-clearicon displayed on the button to clear the input contentArray<IconPath> IconPath string undefined
append-iconicon to be displayed to the left of the componentArray<IconPath> IconPath string undefined
prepend-iconicon to be displayed to the left of the component Array<IconPath> IconPath string undefined
arrow-downspin icon Array<IconPath> IconPath string undefined
rulesAccepts a array of types function that pass an input value as an argument and must return either true | false or a string containing an error message. This also change the input state.Array<(param: any)=> string | true>