
the e-list component is a customizable list component that can have its color, elevation, and items customized through props. The list items can have icons, avatars, titles, subtitles, and values.

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model-value: 1
  • Item1list example subtitle
  • Item2list example subtitle
  • Item3list example subtitle
  • Item4list example subtitle

Sub group

By combining the e-list and the e-list-group components you can create interactive menus

  • Setting
  • Users


Explore the available props for the form component


disabledRemove the ability to click on the componentbooleanfalse
colorApplies specified color to the component - supports only utility colors (for example primary or secondary)stringprimary
groupcontain the value or values of currently opened groups. Can be two-way bound with v-model:group. if the value is an array, the component will be in multiple mode(string | number)[] | string | numberundefined
model-valueThe v-model value of the component. if the value is an array, the component will be in multiple mode(string | number)[] | string | numberundefined
elevatedAdd a shadow to the componentbooleanfalse


valueThe value of the group. This is the value that will be returned by the list when the group is selected.string | numberundefined


valueThe value of the item. This can be a string or a number and is used to determine the selected item.string | numberundefined
append-iconname or configuration of the icon to be displayed to the right of the componentArray IconPath stringundefined
prepend-iconname or configuration of the icon to be displayed to the left of the component Array IconPath stringundefined
prepend-avatarUrl for the avatar to be displayed to the left of the componentstringundefined
append-avatarUrl for the avatar to be displayed to the right of the componentstringundefined
colorApplies specified color to the component - supports only utility colors (for example primary or secondary)stringprimary
is-activeWhether or not the item is active.stringundefined
active-classThe class to be applied to the active item.stringundefined
titleThe text to be displayed as a title in the item.stringundefined
subtitleThe text to be displayed as a subtitle in the item.stringundefined
tagThe html tag to be used for rendering the item.string'li'
disabledWhether or not the item is disabled.string | numberundefined