
Drocket implements a rules-based validation system making development easier

The component facilitates the management of the states of each of the input fields it contains and also provides a Grid system to control the columns that each field will occupy.

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API Reference


Explore the available props for the form component

model-value The v-model value of the component. Is true only if each of the input field validations are truebooleanundefined
noGuttersSet to 0 the padding between your columnsbooleanfalse
outlinedmodify the outlined property for each field component inside the formbooleanfalse
disabledset the component in disabled modebooleanfalse
readonly set the component in read only modebooleanfalse
retain-colormodify the retain-color property for each field component inside the form booleanfalse
label-min-widthProvide a minimum size in pixels for the width of each label inside the componentnumber | stringundefined
colorApplies specified color to the component - supports only utility colors (for example primary or secondary) stringundefined


update:modelValueEvent emitted when the form’s validity changes.boolean
submitThe submit event fires when a form is submitted.