
The e-tab component shows a list of tabs useful for showing different content hidden behind each tab.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur, adipisicing elit. Sint recusandae possimus et cumque eveniet nihil qui ab nesciunt eaque sapiente error, laboriosam, veniam temporibus, at quas consequatur quae minima harum!

Stacked Buttons

You can use e-tab-group with the same properties as the e-button

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur, adipisicing elit. Sint recusandae possimus et cumque eveniet nihil qui ab nesciunt eaque sapiente error, laboriosam, veniam temporibus, at quas consequatur quae minima harum!


By using the vertical property we can change the orientation of the tabs

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur, adipisicing elit. Sint recusandae possimus et cumque eveniet nihil qui ab nesciunt eaque sapiente error, laboriosam, veniam temporibus, at quas consequatur quae minima harum!


Explore the available props for the form component e-tab-group

model-valueThe v-model value of the component.booleanfalse
colorApplies specified color to the component - supports only utility colors (for example primary or secondary)stringprimary
inactive-colorApplies specified color to the tabs when they are inactive - supports only utility colors (for example primary or secondary)stringsecondary
growMakes the tabs grow to fit the containerstringsecondary
tab-alignAligns the tabs to the specified side of the container|'start'
verticalDisplays the tabs verticallybooleanfalse


The e-tab component inherits the same properties of the e-button component

valueThe value of the tab.string | numberundefined