
The e-checkbox component is a user interface element that allows users to toggle between two states, typically representing selection or deselection. It consists of a small box that can be checked (selected) or unchecked (deselected). The Checkbox component can be used to represent both single and multiple selections.

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Explore the available props for the form component

retain-colorallows the input to maintain the color regardless of the state it is in.booleanfalse
disabledModify the style and change the input state to disabledbooleanfalse
readonlychange the input state to disabledbooleanfalse
label-inlineset the css rule white-space: nowrap; to the labelbooleanfalse
detaildisplays an informational message below the componentstring''
outlinedapplies an outlined stylebooleanfalse
labellabel associated with the input fieldbooleanfalse
model-valueThe v-model value of the component.booleanfalse
colorApplies specified color to the component - supports only utility colors (for example primary or secondary)stringprimary
detail-errorsshows an error message below the component and changes the stateArray[]
label-min-widthThis sets a minimum width in px for the labelstring
colsSets the default number of columns the component extends. Available options are: {1...24}.string | number
smChanges the number of columns on small and greater breakpoints.string | number
mdChanges the number of columns on medium and greater breakpoints.string | number
lgChanges the number of columns on large and greater breakpoints.string | number
rulesAccepts a array of types function that pass an input value as an argument and must return either true | false or a string containing an error message. This also change the input state.Array<(param: any)=> string | true>[]
hide-overlayhides the color layer that covers the componentbooleanfalse
true-valueThe value of the component when selected. This prop is required when using the component with v-model.booleantrue
false-valueThe value of the component when not selected. This prop is required when using the component with v-model.booleantrue